Your Practical Examinations are coming up, please be prepared for it, and do revision at home specially with PRACTICAL SKILLs. Make sure that you can do it, and understand the instructions very well. Please check the examination dates for you to know.
You will also be using at this time the school laptops to familiarize yourselves with the operating system and pieces of softwares that you will be using before the practical examination. Make sure that do initiative in reviewing, remembering. and once again familiarizing yourself, you have studied most of these pieces of softwares on prior your current grade level. The examination setup will be as follows:
The students must use school computers and must have at a minimum:
Your Practical Examinations are coming up, please be prepared for it, and do revision at home specially with PRACTICAL SKILLs. Make sure that you can do it, and understand the instructions very well. Please check the examination dates for you to know.
You will also be using at this time the school laptops to familiarize yourselves with the operating system and pieces of softwares that you will be using before the practical examination. Make sure that do initiative in reviewing, remembering. and once again familiarizing yourself, you have studied most of these pieces of softwares on prior your current grade level. The examination setup will be as follows:
The students must use school computers and must have at a minimum: